& écléの新メニューをご紹介!
2015年7月、東京・南青山にオープンした& éclé(アンドエクレ)は、当社と7年連続ミシュラン一つ星を獲得した経験を持つシェフ、オリヴィエ ロドリゲス氏が共同で運営するネオビストロの1号店です。
& écléは、素材の味を引き出す高い技術と洗練されたルックスの料理を手の届く価格帯でご提供する、「アクセシブルなラグジュアリー」をテーマにしています。
黒米&海老とカレーエッセンス withカリフラワークーリ 1,600円
スパイス風味玄米ライス&ビーツとアロマティックハーブ withビーツクーリ 1,400円
雑穀とグリーンライス&チリソテーロマネスコとスモークチーズ withブロッコリークーリ 1,800円
Neobistro "& éclé" produced by PARCO opened in Minamiaoyama on July.
This is the first store that PARCO and chef Olivier Rodrigues are in joint development and management.
Neobistro means a chef that has first class skill and career provides top levels of foods with simpler service and store decoration, and offer in reasonable prices range.
Menu is redesigned in each season, and prepares dish that used seasonal food abundantly, and be providing dish that from the menu and used the rare sites beef since autumn 2015 within lunch and dinner.
Olivier produced a original genre "coulis-cious"for this restaurant.
Coulis-cious a coined-word combined "coulis"and "delicious". It is a healthy new menu, used French unique sources "coulis" that cooked seasonal vegetable, various types of rice and serials blended put on coulis-cious.
And, five new coulis-cious menu appeared from November 20, 2015 as winter menu.
In impressive color contrasts as features of coulis-cious, finished to beautiful appearance that feels seasons.
Photo from left:
・Black rice / cauliflower coulis / shrimp & curry essence ¥1,600
・Spices flavored whole rice / beet coulis / beet & aromatic herbs ¥1,400
・Cereals & green rice / broccoli coulis / chili-sautéed romanesco & smoked cheese ¥1,800
Luce Minamiaoyama 2F 5-5-4, Minamiaoyama, Minato Ward, Tokyo
Lunch 11:30-14:30(L.O)
Dinner 18:00-22:00(L.O)
Tel 03-6712-5018"