熊本PARCO チャリティーイベントを開催

See below for the English version.
熊本PARCOでは、2016年5月7日(土)・8日(日)の二日間、「HOPE FOR KUMAMOTO by PARCO & Samantha Thavasa Group」と題したチャリティーイベントを開催しました。
We held a charity event " HOPE FOR KUMAMOTO by PARCO & Samantha Thavasa Group " in Kumamoto PARCO in May 7 and 8, 2016 to encourage people who were affected by the Kumamoto earthquake.
In this event, we gave 700 people 2 items each from Samantha Thabasa’s bags, sundie goods and clothes for free .
Staffs of Samantha Thavasa working in other shopping centers also came to this event and serviced lively.
We hope that it made our customers happy when they are having a tough time.