& écléのオリヴィエシェフが「味覚の授業®」に講師として参加しました

2015年10月20日(水)、パルコが運営するネオビストロ「& éclé(アンドエクレ)」のシェフ、オリヴィエ ロドリゲス氏が、三郷市立瑞木小学校で行われた「味覚の授業®」に講師として参加しました。
Olivier Rodrigues, a chef of Neobistro "& éclé" which is operated by PARCO participated in "class of taste" as an instructor, on October 20, 2015 at Misato City Mizuki primary school.
"Class of taste" is a hands-on lesson held by "A week of taste" executive committee.
It started in France, and marked 5th year this year in Japan.
In Olivier's class, students and their parents learned five tastes to have a keen sense of taste. Five tastes included four basic tastes, salty, sour, bitter, sweet, and added Japanese original sense of taste, umami.
Olivier devised a cup of food which was five layer of tastes, so that participants can enjoy them. In excersice, students and parents made it together. They enjoy how it looked and tasted.