"Shibukaru Autumn Festival ~Let's meet at Shibuya anyway~"

October 21, we held "Shibukaru Autumn Festival ~Let's meet at Shibuya anyway~" at Shibuya Club Quattro.
"Shibukaru Autumn Festival" of this time, creators showed live music, film screenings, DJ, Fashion Show Food sales and merchandising at Shibuya Club Quattro . More than 1,000 customers came and enjoyed this event.
In addition, we put up the 160 sheets of poster designed by 40 creators around the street of Shibuya and showed image video of Shibukaru Festival in the large street visions in order to be seen their works by a lot of people.
"Shibukaru Festival" is an event that female creators can express themselves. We gathered a total of over 1,000 creators, providing Shibuya PARCO as a space for expression from 2011.
We held "Shibukaru Festival" twice in this year, before and after Shibuya PARCO's closing, to continue to communicating with customers while its temporaly closing.