- Diversity Management
- Employee Work/Life
Balance Support System - Human Resources
Development Initiatives - Reference charts
Diversity Management
Promoting dynamic participation of women
PARCO promote participation by women through a variety of initiatives. We recognize that encouraging shorter working hours by promoting the use of paid leave and improving the percentage of women in managerial positions will go far in helping to resolve issues pertaining to female participation. Together with enacting measures to encourage taking leave, we formulated an action plan in response to the Advancement of Women Act that includes cultivating female managerial candidates, providing opportunities for boosting the career consciousness of young female employees, and creating a workplace more conducive for employees with time constraints.
Action plan based on the Advancement of Women Act
PARCO takes active part in and shares information from cross-industry consortiums and other projects focused on work and female career education and work-life balance.
Lecture for women on successfully balancing work
and childrearing
Support for a childcare/nursing care and work balance
As a result of various systems and fostering an in-house atmosphere, the return-to-work rate after fiscal 2012 after maternity and childcare leave has been 100%. Besides, PARCO has made changes to its Employee Work/Life Balance Support System in accordance with January 2017 amendments to Japan’s Child Care and Family Care Leave Law, and has expanded some systems beyond what is stipulated by law.
*Systems not outlined here also fulfill legal requirements
1) Systems for use during pregnancy
Mitigation of working hours during pregnancy | Working time can be reduced by up to an hour per day, paid. |
Revival of expired annual paid leave days | Expired annual paid leave days from the previous year can be revived and taken. |
2) Systems for use during childbirth
Spouse maternity leave | Three days of paid leave can be taken when a spouse enters childbirth (including common law spouses). |
Spouse postpartum childcare leave | Up to 4 weeks of leave may be taken within 8 weeks after spouse has given birth. |
3) Systems for use during childcare/nursing care
Childcare leave | This leave can also be extended until the child is two years old in certain cases, such as when the child cannot get a place at a daycare facility. |
Nursing care leave | Up to a year’s leave can be taken per applicable family member, which can be divided into as many as three separate spells. |
System for requesting a specific department upon return to work | Employees can request a specific department to return to after taking childcare or nursing care leave. In principle, they cannot be transferred from this department for two years after returning. |
Childcare time off (paid) | Working hours can be reduced by up to an hour per day paid, applicable until the child turns one-year-old. |
Reduced working hours for childcare | Working hours can be reduced by up to two hours per day, applicable until the child enters junior high school. |
Reduced working hours for nursing care | Working hours can be reduced by up to two hours per day while nursing care is required, without limits to length or number of spells required. |
System for selecting reduced hours or holidays | Up to two hours per day designated for reduced working hours can be converted into holidays instead. It is also possible to take a combination of reduced hours and holidays. |
System for selecting workplace location | Employees with children till high school or with a family member needing nursing care can select the region within which their workplace is located in order to avoid moving. |
System for re-employment of former employees | Employees who resign due to childcare, nursing care responsibilities or spouse's transfer who apply and have their application accepted can take advantage of a system that allows their rehiring within five years of leaving. |
General Employer Action Plan based on the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children
Our " General Employer Action Plan (6th phase)" based on the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children
LGBT Related Systems
As part of our efforts to create an environment and structure that allows all employees to express their individuality while enjoying a fulfilling career, we have established LGBT-related regulations and a leave system.
LGBT Consultation Center
A consultation center has been established for inquiries about LGBT-related workspace issues and systems.
Same-Sex Partnership System
PARCO has established a same-sex partnership system in which same-sex partners are recognized as having a relationship equivalent to marriage. By completing the appropriate company procedures, the current employment rules and regulations regarding “marital status” and “spousal status” become applicable. In addition, the same rights are recognized for de facto heterosexual marriages.
Gender Transition Support Leave
Employees who take a leave of absence for hormone therapy, gender confirmation surgery, or pre- and post- operative medical examinations may use any expired annual paid leave arising from the most recent two-year period.
Seminars for management
Introducing ‘Peer Bonus’ System
Employee Work/Life Balance Support System
PARCO supports employees' work/life balance by reviewing work styles. We also believe it is important to provide an environment where individual employees feel motivated to make use of their talents. We are therefore working to create systems and an environment to secure diversity and to promote the creation of a corporate culture.
Promoting a review of working styles
Flexi-time systemPARCO’s flexi-time system, which enables more effective and flexible working, was introduced, as part of our efforts to improve employee work-life balance. In May 2020, we further enhanced the system, eliminating core-time and enabling employees to leave work for short periods for personal matters. The system makes it possible to adjust daily schedules to fit both work and personal plans, creating a more employee-friendly environment.
Under the flexi-time system, employees have become more conscious of working time, which has led to improvements in efficiency.
We are working on creating an environment for ‘focused work and relaxing time off’. For employees to fully exercise their potential, PARCO has established health management leave to support preventative health awareness among employees, along with early detection and treatment of illnesses, with the aim of maintaining and promoting good health. PARCO actively encourages employees to take holidays by holding an annual ‘holiday promotion day’ and recommending that each division does the same.
Supporting Work Styles That Do Not Require a Specific Workplace
In addition to mobile work, which enables hourly productivity increases through initiatives such as making use of travel time, PARCO also promotes satellite office work so that employees can choose their work environment according to their individual circumstances. Also we have introduced a work-from-home system to support balance between the personal circumstances of individual employees and their work, and to ensure business continuation in the event of an emergency.
Utilization and expansion of ICT
We are promoting communication and faster and more intense operations through the utilization and expansion of ICT.
• Renew internal Groupware with the introductionofcloud services, etc.
• Provide all employees with mobile PCs and smartphones
• Promote internal exchanges and flexible workstyles (expand web meetings, partially introduce free addresses, establish free working spaces and concentration areas)
Briefing on systems utilized for telecommuting
To make it easier for employees to take extended time off and refresh both their bodies and minds, the Workation System was introduced in July 2021. This system enables employees to temporarily telework while on vacation, including when visiting family or traveling, allowing for more diverse workstyles than ever before.
Supporting Diverse Work Styles
The Second Job Program was introduced as one of our new working styles in February 2019 with the aim of promoting employee growth and encouraging autonomy within the company. It includes internal efforts focused on revitalization (facilitating innovation), recruitment and retention of diverse personnel and opportunities to demonstrate diversity of talent.
Experiences outside of the company, including second jobs, provide opportunities for employees to grow their perspectives and personal networks. Employee growth in turn spurs internal innovation, leading to growth of the company as a whole.
The Second Job Program enables employees to achieve self-fulfillment through work while encouraging diversity in the company’s recruitment.
Human Resources Development Initiatives
Administration Division
Main training implementation
- 1) New employees
- Induction training (e-learning, training trips), pre-assignment training (approximately two months), follow-up training
- 2) Young mid-level employees
- Business skills training, tutor training (for new employee training), next-generation leadership training, industry placement training, business school support, support for attending external public seminars
- 3) Other
- Department-specific skills training, female leadership training, management training, compliance training, market inspection training, cross-border education at other companies, e-learning/distance learning, financial reward for obtaining qualifications/paid examination fees
Career Consultation Hotline
Reference charts
Trend in employee numbers, ratio of men vs women
Employee numbers by gender/trend in ratio of female employees (total of both full and contract employees)
Trends in length of employment (at end of each year)
Trend in ratio of women in management positions
Trend in mid-career hiring ratio of regular employees (publication of mid-career hiring ratio based on the Labor Policy Comprehensive Promotion Act)