The PARCO Group recognizes global environmental issues as an important theme in its business activities in shopping centers and related fields. Through the promotion of environmental preservation activities, the Group seeks to leave a sustainable society for future generations.
We aim to create commercial spaces with minimal environmental impact while gaining the understanding of customers and community members. PARCO collaborates with tenant partner companies and other companies with which we do business, aiming to acquire certification for the environmental performance of our buildings and establish greenhouse gas emissions milestones for the creation of a carbon-free society.
We aim to create commercial spaces with minimal environmental impact while gaining the understanding of customers and community members. PARCO collaborates with tenant partner companies and other companies with which we do business, aiming to acquire certification for the environmental performance of our buildings and establish greenhouse gas emissions milestones for the creation of a carbon-free society.
Activities to save energy and resources
Relaxation of air-conditioning temperature settings inside stores
We use an appropriate temperature setting and measure on-site temperatures separately on each floor and during each time period. In this way, we were able to reduce our CO2 emissions even more. Even after that period, we worked hard throughout the year to achieve air-conditioning by optimizing the volume of air taken in from outside, and running air conditioners intermittently.Promotion of switch-over to LED lighting
Following our efforts to introduce energy-saving lighting, chiefly LED lights, we are lowering not only the levels of heat that our lighting emits, but are also reducing CO2 emissions. With the exceptions of fluorescent lighting and high-efficiency lighting, we have changed our incandescent lighting in our all stores LED lighting.In addition, each shop is steadily introducing LEDs at times such as renovations.

Reducing the environmental burdens of individual shops
We have several systems in place to reduce these burdens. For example, when a new shop is being planned or an existing shop is being renovated, we place restrictions on the amount of power that we will supply.We work to promote energy savings among the shops in our stores. They carry out an energy consumption audit of each shop and help shops to use less energy.
Promoting recycling and reuse
Through the cooperation of tenant businesses, PARCO is proactively working to reduce business garbage and increase renewable use. We are implementing practices including the reuse of plastic hangers, 100% recycling of cardboard and waste oil, and the recycling of compostable garbage into fertilizer. We also use garbage scales to visualize the amount of garbage generated by each tenant, creating a structure that promotes the recycling of every recyclable item.
Initiatives on the facilities, equipment and usage front
All PARCO stores are making great efforts in energy conservation through the adoption of cooling with outside air in spring, autumn and winter, the introduction of low-energy-consumption lamps and switch timers and by water conservation through the introduction of automatic water conservation valves, toilet flush sound imitators and water conservation sensors.We are also pursuing initiatives for drawing underground water from wells, cleaning well water, grey water and rain water to reuse as toilet drainage water. At Shibuya PARCO, Nagoya PARCO, Urawa PARCO and Sapporo PARCO we have adopted co-generation systems, effectively using waste heat from power generation to heat water and so on.

Participate in environmental campaigns and register for institution
Corporate registration with Fun to Share
Fun to Share is an environmental campaign started by the Ministry of the Environment in March 2014 that aims to realize a low-carbon society by broadly sharing and linking information, technology and knowledge pertaining to reducing CO2 emissions for companies and private citizens. PARCO, which is setting an environmental policy and working towards energy conservation, announced that it would register in the campaign as a company and pursue environmental initiatives.
Registering Cool Share and Warm Share spots at PARCO stores across Japan
Cool Share and Warm Share is a campaign promoting region-wide conservation of electricity by having people come together and share cool or warm places instead of using air conditioning by themselves.PARCO stores have seen an increase in visitors after registering in this program.

Lights Down Continuation
With the sustainability initiatives of the entire PARCO Group and the globalized reach of the SDGs as a foundation, we will continue to pursue reduced CO2 emissions through our Lights Down initiatives, which include turning off building illuminations for Cool Earth Day (Tanabata) in July and for one day of SDGs Week (Global Goals Week) in September.
Certified as an Musashino City Eco Partner
The Kichijoji Parco has received the Musashino City Eco Partner Certification. This certification is run by Musashino City to promote the reduction of waste from businesses. Businesses that meet standards on recycling magazines and compostable garbage are publically certified.Certified Gold in the Chofu Eco Office System
The Chofu PARCO has received a Gold certification in the Chofu Eco Office System. This certification system is run by Chofu City to support businesses in becoming more eco-friendly.There are three levels of public certification, gold, silver and bronze, for businesses that proactively work to develop consciousness about waste reduction and recycling.
Obtained Eco Mark certification
Chofu PARCO is the first shopping center facility to obtain Eco Mark certification.The Eco Mark has evaluation criteria such as consideration for the building and surrounding environment, environment-friendly facilities, efficiency of transportation and logistics, cooperation with tenants, eco-activities with customers, and environment-friendly facility management. Chofu PARCO meets these six requirements. In addition, Chofu PARCO was highly evaluated for its individual efforts such as appropriate maintenance of building equipment, consideration for the environment around the store by the policy of parking lots and bicycle parking lots, reduction of food loss by implementing food drive, contribution to community-based welfare business, etc.

Internal approach
Reducing copy paper usage
In PARCO's offices we are working to reduce copy paper usage through two-sided and 'N up' (laying out several pages worth of data to print on one page) printing and promoting printing on the back sides of miscopied pages.We also introduced a system to prevent miscopies where you have to enter you employee number to use complex copiers. We are also creating a paperless system by moving internal documents and notices online.
Purchasing environmentally conscious products
PARCO has selected copy paper as a priority for reducing the burden on the environment and is pursuing green procurement for some office supplies including stationery, file folders and DVD disks.We are also contributing to reducing carbon emissions buy promoting the purchase of cleaning supplies such as detergent and wax with carbon offsets.
Cool Biz and Warm Biz
In order to reduce energy used for air conditioning, PARCO has established temperature settings for its offices in summer and winter and is practicing Cool Biz and Warm Biz.We continued this in FY2014, setting thermostats at 28℃ during the Cool Biz period in order to promote energy savings in the summer, and are encouraging styles such as short-sleeved shirts and polo shirts in addition to the usual no jacket and tie, where staff can work in the office comfortably in summer.
Increasing awareness of environmental issues among staff
In order to create opportunities for all staff to think about the environment as an issue close at hand, PARCO is participating in the Ministry of the Environment-led Challenge 25 Campaign and Fun to Share, as well as encouraging staff to take the Tokyo Chamber of Commerce and Industry-led Certification Test for Environmental Specialists® (Eco Test)*.As of FY2015, PARCO has turned out a total of 174 certification holders and PARCO Group 362. By offering support including covering the entire test fee and distributing and lending texts internally, we have established a structure that makes it easy for staff to take the test.
*Certification Test for Environmental Specialists® is a registered trademark of the Tokyo Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Updated Dec 17, 2024