PARCO's advertising theme for 2023 is Tradition and Innovation. Old-fashioned illustrations in the latest style

2023 is the 50th anniversary of Shibuya PARCO's opening in 1973. PARCO's advertising theme for this milestone year is Tradition and Innovation. Expressing the “tradition” of PARCO advertising and the “innovation” that will open up the future, we will send out advertising creative.
Illustrator Harumi Yamaguchi has been drawing women who decorate PARCO advertisements, including Grand Bazaar, since the founding of PARCO. PARCO GRAND BAZAR in the summer of 2023 is based on the illustration of HARUMI GALS that appeared in PARCO advertisements in the 1970s and 1980s. "Harumi Yamaguchi x YOSHIROTTEN" expresses the latest style of PARCO GRAND BAZAR.
*PARCO will hold a half-yearly sale PARCO GRAND BAZAR at all PARCO stores from July 1st (June 30th at Nagoya PARCO) (until July 9th).
The two pieces on the left are PARCO advertisements by the illustrator Harumi Yamaguchi, which was actually used in 1979.