Catreya Plaza Isezaki was fully renovated and grand opened

Shops opened sequentially from March 1, 2023, and with the opening of "UNIQLO" on April 28, Catreya Plaza Isezaki celebrated its first full-scale renovation grand opening in its 12th year of operation. .
Among the shops that opened and reopened in March, the Fresh Isezaki Market supermarket on the first floor is popular for its brightness and delicious appearance, and the newly opened Motomachi Union is also popular. The bakery Pompadour facing the shopping street is crowded at lunchtime, and 31 Ice Cream is crowded mainly in the afternoon. The Latest Green's sandbox on the 3rd floor has become a popular spot thanks to word-of-mouth information from mom friends and SNS. In the future, we plan to hold events that parents and children can enjoy, such as a STRIDER test drive event.
The long-awaited UNIQLO store on the second floor had a queue of about 100 customers, even though it had moved from the neighborhood. Immediately after opening, the store was bustling with customers, and even more customers came to the store in the afternoon. Limited collaboration T-shirts and tote bags from UNIQLO and neighboring companies (Yurindo, Kawamotoya Chaho) are also popular, and there is also a space to introduce collaboration companies and the history of the town.