The advertising work of Hiroshima PARCO won the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Award in the APA Award 2022 Advertising Works category

The advertising work of Hiroshima PARCO in the fall of 2020 "Kokoro made STAY shite tamaruka (Even if we stay home, our heart we don't want to stay)” won the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Award as move someone's emotionally in the advertising work category of the APA Awards 2022, sponsored by the Japan Advertising Photographers Association.
The APA Award is a public exhibition of historic photographs that has been held since 1961. It consists of two sections, the advertising work division and the photography work division.
This advertisement was the staff of Hiroshima PARCO planned the concept, and photographer Keiichi Moto, who has been producing advertisements together since 2019, has taken pictures.
Under the influence of the new coronavirus infection, they have been forced into strict self-control, but they never stop being excited about their favorite fashion, new culture, and fun. It reflected the wishes of Hiroshima Parco mentioned above.