VR Content Awards NEWVIEW AWARDS 2019 Finalists and other exhibitions will be held at Shibuya PARCO

PARCO, Loftwork and Psychic VR Lab's joint project "NEWVIEW" has announced various award-winning works for the VR content award "NEWVIEW AWARDS 2019". PARCO exhibited the “NEWVIEW EXHIBITION 2019 -DIFFUSION-” exhibition held at the Shibuya PARCO 9F Creative Studio, in addition to the award-winning works and works selected as finalists.
The award is for the near future where everyone will have the opportunity to take the next step when it comes to 3D space, discover the next generation of creators who can lead the world of new expression and experience in VR, and launch it. Aims for VR content in fashion / culture / art fields around the world. This year's theme is “Designing a super experience”. A total of 145 entries were submitted from eight countries.
In this entry, the quality is dramatically improved compared to last year's award in the judging items of “newness / originality”, “experience” and “impact”, and it is possible to drive the VR scene in the fashion / art / culture field.