その名の通り、彗星のごとく現れたバーチャルアイドル、星街すいせい。2018年からVTuberとして配信をスタートし、ホロライブ所属後は、その力強い歌唱力からシンガーとしての活動を中心に据え、YouTube配信、コンサートホール、音楽番組など、あらゆるメディアを通じてファンを魅了し続けている。現在YouTube登録者数250万人超え。VTuberとして初となるYouTubeチャンネル「THE FIRST TAKE」での歌唱や野外フェスへの出演、渋谷での路上ゲリラライブが実現し、大きな話題を呼んだ。「自分のことが好きだから挑戦できる」と明言する彼女は、つねに新しいことへのチャレンジを忘れない。アーティストとして活動のフレームを徐々に拡げながら圧倒的な存在感を放ち、着実に大きなステージに立とうとしている。
As the name suggests, Hoshimachi Suisei is a virtual YouTuber who appeared out of the blue like a comet. She began posting videos as a solo VTuber in 2018, and since she has become affiliated with hololive production, she focused on activities as a singer based on her powerful singing voice; she continues to attract fans through a wide variety of media, including YouTube streams, concert halls and music programs. Currently, she has more than 2.4 million YouTube subscribers. She was one of the first VTubers to sing on the YouTube channel The First Take, performed at an outdoor festival, and held a guerrilla live concert on the street in Shibuya, which caused a great stir. Clearly declaring, “I can take on challenges because I love myself,” Hoshimachi Suisei does not forget to take on new challenges at any time. Gradually expanding the frame of activities as an artist, she is steadily moving on to a bigger and bigger stage with her overwhelming presence.

I want to be an expressionist who can create my favorites by myself
Soon after Kizuna AI became popular, I became a big fan and came to learn about VTubers. I always loved anime, so I drew pictures imitating anime and manga with a curiosity that “I want to create my favorites by myself” even in early childhood. On the other hand, I had a longing for a job in the limelight like Kizuna AI. Because I was fascinated by novel content similar to hers, I personally became a VTuber first. I designed and styled my own costumes and makeup, posted some videos that I planned on YouTube, and released a live stream, among which I was singing songs. When I passed an audition for hololive production (a VTuber agency) in 2019, I was asked, “How about singing a song as your main characteristic,” so I have been mainly performing as a singer since then.

A new form of communication with the audience
昨年から、TV番組や野外フェスなどにも出演させていただきました。常に新しいことに挑戦するのが好きな性格なので、YouTubeチャンネル「THE FIRST TAKE」や地上波音楽番組に出演したときも、VTuberを知らない人が私のことを初めて観て、何かしらおもしろがってもらいたい。「こんなコンテンツも今の時代はあるんだ」と感じてほしかったし、少しでも爪痕を残そう、という気持ちでチャレンジしてきました。最近は「ビビデバ」という楽曲のMVを「擬態するメタ」さんにお願いして、実写とアニメが組み合わさった映像を作っていただいたんですけど、想像以上の完成度で驚きました。クリエイターさんと組んで、自分のコンセプトをその方のセンスで拡げていただく作品作りも刺激的です。

お客さんの前でライブパフォーマンスを行うたびに大変だなと感じるのは、バーチャルの世界から皆さんと触れ合わないといけない面です。バーチャルの私はモニターから出られない存在なので、 自分の熱意であったり、みんなと一瞬一瞬を共有してるんだってことをいかに伝えていけるか。お客さんがステージに向かって声援をくれたり、ペンライトを振ってくれる姿を見ると、私の熱量がちゃんと伝わったんだとわかって、そのときはすごくテンションが上がります。最初の頃はみんなの前に立つだけで声が震えるっていう感じだったんですけど、今はもう、楽しさの方が大きくなりました。
Since the previous year, I have been performing on TV and outdoor festivals. My temperament is to always take on new challenges, so when I performed on the YouTube channel The First Take and in music programs on terrestrial TV channels, I wanted the audience who had not known of VTubers to see me for the first time and find something enjoyable so that they feel like, “There is such content these days.” Therefore, I have taken on challenges with the feeling that I will get some results. Recently, I asked Mimicry Meta to create the music video for the song “Bibbidiba,” which combined live action with animation. I was very surprised by watching the video because the degree of perfection was higher than I had imagined. I feel it is also exciting to create works in collaboration with creators who broaden my concept with their talent.
What I find difficult every time I perform live in front of an audience is that I have to interact with them from the virtual world. So, I think about how I can convey to the audience my enthusiasm and share every moment with them from the virtual world. When I see the audience cheering for me on the stage or waving penlights, I find that my enthusiasm has actually been conveyed to them, which raises my spirits very much. At first, my voice quivered when simply standing in front of an audience, but now the fun of performing on stage is bigger than the feeling of nervousness.

I want to express myself even overseas
I have the belief that I will always do what I want to do and that I value people who understand what I do. I sometimes get to meet fans or be a guest on talk shows in foreign countries, not just in Japan. I always keep in mind that I show my favorite world without specially customizing my performances for overseas. It is because I know that there are many fans who say that I am cute, including my halting English, or that there are those who feel that my songs’ Japanese lyrics are cool. So, I want to deliver novel expressions that are specific to me anywhere.
I am producing my own album now.I’ve been writing lots of songs based on the concept of ‘revolution in every direction’, so the album contains some types of music that I have never tried before. I would be happy if I could show my new self again through this album.

PARCO is a place where I can take on new challenges
普段から美術館が好きで、気になる展示があるとインプットも兼ねて観に行きます。2023年に池袋PARCOで TAKU INOUE さんとの音楽プロジェクト「Midnight Grand Orchestra」の展覧会をやらせていただいたときは、いつも鑑賞者側だったので、自分が関わっているコンテンツが展示されている空間が広がっていることがとても新鮮で感動しました。
そんな矢先に今回パルコの広告に出演するお話をいただいたので、純粋にすごく嬉しくて、スタッフさんに二つ返事でお受けしたと思います。新しい撮影方法や衣装にも挑戦できて、新鮮で楽しかったですね。「SPECIAL IN YOU.」の映像内で、私の新しい楽曲もお披露目させていただくことになって。初めてタッグを組むプロデューサーさんをお迎えして、なかなか難易度の高い楽曲を書き下ろしていただきました。頑張って自分のものにしなきゃと思いながら、レコーディングの準備をしています。
I like to visit art museums, and when I find an exhibit that might interest me, I go to see it seeking input. When I held an exhibition for Midnight Grand Orchestra, a music project with Taku Inoue at Ikebukuro PARCO in 2023, I felt that it was very fresh and impressive to see the extent of the space where the content I involved in was exhibited because I had always been just a visitor before.
Soon after that, I was offered an appearance in an advertisement for PARCO, so I felt purely very happy, and I accepted the offer right away. I could try a new shooting method and costumes, and the shooting was very refreshing and fun. It was decided that I could release my new music in the ad video of “SPECIAL IN YOU.” A producer with whom I had never collaborated created a challenging song for me. So, I am preparing for the recording with the feeling that I will do my best to make it my own.

Talent is not innate but the result of hard work
For me, talent is the result of hard work. I think the ability to make an effort, absorb something, and achieve results may be called talent not upbringing or instinct. I am very happy that my listeners often say, “You are blessed with talent,” but when I hear that, I feel that this is the result of hard work. I am the type of performer who expresses myself in a variety of different forms, including painting pictures, creating videos, and singing, but in fact, I have lived my whole life wondering if I had any talent. Recently, I found that I can try many different things because I love myself and have confidence in myself. Putting “I love myself” into words more, I would like to treasure the words as my motivation.

Hoshimachi Suisei
3月22日生まれ。2018年3月に個人勢としてVTuber活動を開始。愛称は“すいちゃん”。19年12月、ホロライブに所属。21年9月にリリースの1stアルバム『Still Still Stellar』で、多数のチャートで1位を獲得。23年1月に2ndアルバム『Specter』を発売。VTuberとしてYouTubeチャンネル「THE FIRST TAKE」に初登場し同時視聴者数約16万人越えを記録。24年3月にリリースされた「ビビデバ」は実写とアニメを組み合わせた斬新なMVとキャッチーなメロディが話題を呼び、9000万回再生を突破。最新曲は、作編曲をGiga & TeddyLoid が手掛けた「AWAKE」。10月にはTV音楽番組「CDTVライブ!ライブ!」に出演。24年11月から開催中の全国3都市ライブツアーで、3rdフルアルバムリリースと日本武道館でのソロライブを発表。
Hoshimachi Suisei was born on March 22. In March 2018, she began her VTuber activities on an individual basis. Her nickname is Suichan. She became affiliated with hololive production in December 2019. Her first album Still Still Stellar was released in September 2021 and topped many charts. In January 2023, her second album Specter was released. When she performed on the YouTube channel The First Take for the first time as a VTuber, more than 160,000 concurrent views were recorded. “Bibbidiba” was released in March 2024 and caused a stir from a catchy melody and the novel music video, which combined live action with animation, reaching more than 90 million views. Her latest song is “AWAKE” for which Giga & TeddyLoid created and arranged the music. In October, she performed on the TV music program CDTV Live! Live!. Announcing the 3rd full album release and solo live performance at the Budokan during a nationwide 3-city live tour in Japan that kicked off in November 2024.
Text: Satoko Muroga(RCKT / Rocket Company*)
© 2016 COVER Corp.